Saturday, February 2, 2013

Low Tire Pressure Light

Soooo last night, my tow tire pressure light came on.  It was kind of a win-win situation as I already scheduled an oil change for this morning at 8 a.m. sooo I wasn't too upset about the whole warning light.

8 a.m. - went to Toyota for my scheduled oil change.  Informed the little car dude about the tire pressure light.  He promised to check it out.

8:40 - Service guy came and told me that I need to replace the bad tire.  The puncture hole was close to the wall and they could not plug it.  At the dealership, I had 3 tire options.  He then presented me with 6 pages of paper - 2 pages per tire option.  I haven't read any tire reviews because Rosie only has 45,000 miles on her current tires.  I asked the service dude if he minded if I contacted my co-worker and got his opinion.  No biggee.  Service dude returned to the desk and left me with the sheets of paper.

In the meantime, someone overheard the tire conundrum and mentioned that I shouldn't purchase tires from the dealership as they are kind of crummy and I could get better tires elsewhere.  My co-worker agreed.  So I asked the service dude to put my tire back on Rosie, filler-'er-up with air and send me on my merry way.

I checked out for the best all-season tire for Rosie. 

I contacted my co-worker's favorite tire establishment.  They had the tire I wanted and were open 'til 6.  Great news!

Met Patty for coffee and a trip to a new-to-us consignment store in Roscoe.

Coffee consumed.  Consignments perused.  Cute $4 taupe scarf purchased.  I'm fairly certain the scarf I bought could be knitted but it's a whirly scarf and I believe I've read instructions to make one of these...and the instructions hurt my brain.  Plus $4 wouldn't cover the cost of the yarn.  :)  And my time is worth a pretty penny.  (Laughed the girl with curly hair!)

Early afternoon, I ventured to the tire place.

Do you know that I hate being a girl with car issues???  Boys don't understand this AT ALL.  Period.  AT ALL.  First of all, let's talk about the tire dude...

He goes to his handy-dandy computer and wouldn't you know (she says mockingly), they do not have the Bridgestone tire I want/need in stock.  Funny, because it was there earlier today -- they must've had a huge rush for my particular vehicle's tire size but he did however locate a tire and  It's an hour away.  And I will tell you -- the hour away comment was a direct quote from said tire dude.

He continues to click away on his computer.  (At this point, because it's taking some 6-7 he playing Solitaire?  And if so, please tell me that he's winning!!!) 

He, then, asks if I mind waiting while he calls about the tire.  "No problem.  Go right ahead."

He spews forth a bunch of numbers and then says, "I hate when they put me on hold."  I'm thinking "on hold" means oh-back-to-Solitaire

Several minutes later [the History channel was on and it played through one segment commercial to commercial.  Crazy!], he hangs up the phone and confirms with me they have the tire but it is AN HOUR AWAY.

Tire dude:  "Do you want me to have someone go and pick it up?"
Me:  "Yes."
Tire dude:  "Let me make a quick phone call."  (I don't trust his definition of quick but I concede.)

Tire dude:  "Hey.  Can you run to Alpine and pick up a tire?"

Ummmmmmmmm.....last time I checked Alpine was not an hour away unless you are biking there and/or traveling by CAMEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow -- I know that I am naive about some things...but to stand there and ask the courier/tire runner if he would go to Alpine to pick up my tire?  May 11th.  I was born May 11th several years ago.  NOT FEBRUARY 1, 2013.

I wish the story ended there.  It doesn't.  Oh no friends...

As I am driving down Spring Creek -- because after the tire stop, I had to go Woodman's and pick up broccoli, mayo, and other items to make a gluten-free salad for tomorrow's potluck, wouldn't you know -- my low tire pressure light came back on...

I'm thinking one of three things happened...

1. The Toyota service guy was not pleased that I was taking my tire business elsewhere so they rotated the tires AFTER telling me which one was the issue.

2. It could be the tire pressure computer sensor in spate in the trunk.  Maybe that sensor is going bad and it's coincidental that the light came on after all this...

3. The tire dude did not re-set and check the sensor inside my new tire.

I will begin my quest for answers Monday morning at 7 a.m. when I show up bright and early at Toyota on E. Riverside.  And I'm going to bribe my favorite co-worker with Starbucks and ask him to come to my aid.

The end.

It's not technically the end.  It's the beginning of the end.  The not-quite end end.

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