Monday, October 28, 2013

Edward's Apple Orchard

On Saturday morning, Bryan and I decided that after a trip to the gym, we should go to the orchard!  I listed off our options ~ Edward's East or West or Cherry Valley's.   We decided on Edward's East mostly because it's fall and I have not been there at all.  {Insert sad face.}  What kind of Midwest Girl am I that I have not been to my FAVORITE orchard???

We arrived shortly after 12 'noon and meandered about the store first.  They have the cutest fallish stuff.  Bry procured two yummy "Orchard bars" while I opted for a 1/2 peck of Granny Smith apples after learning that Jonagold apples were no longer available.  I, also, found two HYSTERICAL cards to drop in the mail.

After procuring our items, we ordered 4 cups of hot cider.  Does that seem excessive?  Well, if you were standing outside with us freezing because it was 40º and blustery, you would've wanted 2 cups which would've made our order 6!!!

We fought off a stubborn bee and managed to drink both cups before going through the historic barn.  This was by-far the coolest.  There were pieces of antique orchard equipment and old cars and other odds-n-ends.

After the barn, we made our way to the petting zoo where we witnessed a little girl's traumatization.  She was standing near the turkey cage and here mother said, "Awww....aren't these guys cute?  They are what we will be eating for Thanksgiving dinner."  It took every bit of 10 seconds for the little girl to recover.  Poor thing.  Reminds me of the day we ate vension and my father said it was Bambi.  I was 6.  SIX!!!!!!!!! 

After the petting zoo and my declaration that I, Angie Good, wanted to adopt the cute gray piggies with the curly tails, we left.  We left pig-less.  Where would I keep cute swine? 

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