Saturday, November 9, 2013

Thrift find!!!!!!

This is one of those "Ask and ye shall receive" posts.

I am rather smitten with mustard yellow.  It all started with Pinterest and from their Hancock Fabrics had said color of wool-blended yarn.  It's been a slippery slope...but it seems everywhere I turn my heart goes pitter patter when I see mustard yellow.  Pitter-patter in a fallish sort of way.  I am hoping that my smittenness with this color lasts through the winter because this color is FAB-U-LOUS {said sing-songy}. 

Target has super cute flannel shirts and I have been contemplating getting the mustard and navy one.  {Michigan Wolverine colors!!!!}  I waited to long - per my norm....and they were sold out.......and then last night I stopped at the thrift by Valli and found the flannel shirt - the navy and mustard.  What a beautiful answer to a silly prayer......  You see when I discovered Target was sold out, I prayed "Please send it to the thrift."  Ask and ye shall receive......

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It's been awhile.

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