Thursday, August 29, 2019

Life lessons

I have learned several things over the course of my four-and-forty years.

If you wash a 100% wool sweater and place it in the dryer, it will go from womens medium to sized-to-fit a three year old.

If you want to save money, use cash envelopes.  Take whatever is left over and convert it to quarters.  Put the quarters in a jar.  Cash in the jar every 3rd month (or quarterly...PUN TOTALLY INTENDED).

Never ever try to quit coffee on a Monday (or any other say that ends with Y).

When nearing the end of your work career, be kind and ease your coworkers into the transition.  Dumping stuff on everyone at the last minute is jerk-ish.

Never scrimp on bad coffee.

Buy the airline ticket.

Laugh more.  It's good for you.

Wear the cute shoes.  Life is so short.

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