Monday, January 21, 2013

3 things about faith...

I'm currently reading The Choice is Yours by Terrie Chappell.  I highly recommend this book. 

Today I read the chapter titled, Choose to Live by Faith.  In this chapter, three things (well, technically MANY MORE than just three points :)) seemed to leap of the page...

1.  "The very essence of faith is remembering our great God and trusting Him to do what we cannot.  When we place our focus on how little our faith is, we forget to focus on how great out God is.  Furthermore, if we wait to use our faith until it is great, we will never do anything by faith.  Faith grows through use."  ~ p. 34

2.  "I'm so thankful I trusted God rather than listening to those who would have discouraged me from exercising my faith."  ~ p. 34

3.  "Faith is like a muscle.  It develops as it is stretched and used, and it shrinks as it is neglected.  If we want to be women of faith, we must use our faith.  If we use our faith when it is small, it will grow.  If we use it when it is ridiculed, it will triumph.  If we use it when the outcome seems unlikely, God will be glorified."  ~ p. 35

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