Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Some days the strangest things make me laugh outloud...

1. Using the Federal Express website to prepare a shipment of three packages.  CONFESSION:  I never weigh the packages. Nor do I ever bother to get precise dimensions.  One time the FedEx driver told me that it doesn't matter...soooo now I just make stuff up when I create the shipments.  It tickles my funny bone to put down estimated weight and measurements.  I figure, I do the same thing when I log in to the elliptical at the gym.  Why not apply the same principle to mailing stuff?  I sent three packages with a total weight of 6 pounds -- they felt like they weighed less than a gallon of water (8 pounds, thank you very much). 

2.  Today I made green tea for my favorite co-worker and myself.  I always make his mug of tea first because I read somewhere that the caffeine brews in the first 30 seconds of steeping. Thus - if you want decaf tea, brew the tea bag for 30 seconds and toss the caffeinated tea (or in my case, give to some unsuspecting co-worker) and then add new water and brew yourself some decaf tea.  He always thinks I am being super sweet and kindhearted...not all the time...sometimes I just want to give someone else the caffeine, laughed the girl with curly hair.

3.  Excel and creating a chart.  This was more of a nervous laugh situation.  I did tell the computer, "I'd appreciate it if you could take these columns and make them pretty." 

4.  Resolutionee beginning a sentence with "Let's see if you know anything..."  Insert my you-are-so-not-funny laugh before exiting stage left to go and eat lunch.  There are moments when I know that my blood sugar is low.  I knew at this moment that if I chose to speak, I may say something that wasn't kind and loving.  Instead of opening my mouth, I exercised self-control and went and found nourishment in the form of chicken tortilla soup leftovers.

5.  Laughing about the possibility of a gold tooth!!!  My bestie made light of my broken tooth and I have to admit it brightened my day.  It should be noted -- nothing more than a filling was required...for which I am truly thankful.  Also, I do believe I should receive a silver medal for taking the filling without any nitrous.  I'm such a wimp when it comes to that dreadful drill! 

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