Saturday, January 19, 2013

'Fraidy cat

Every 6 months I go to the dentist for a teeth cleaning.  Days before said appointment, I pray, Please Lord, let there not be any cavities.

There's something un-nerving about having a DRILL come close to my teeth.  I don't know if it's the sound of the drill...or just the fact that I know menfolk use drills to jab holes in wood and various other materials.

At any rate -- all things dental make my heart go pitter-patter...and not in a good way, like when I see a pair of clearance flip-flops or when that particular sweater I eye-balled at Kohl's is now hanging-up at the thrift store and beckoning me with the $3 price tag.

No, the kind of pitter-patter my heart does when I have to go to the dentist is more of a racing out of control pitter-patter.

I'm a big 'fraidy cat when it comes to the dentist.  I blame this fear on my childhood dentist.  He was a tall man who had the sense of humor of an ox...and he was not compassionate with children.  I hate to say that about someone...but in my 8-year old mind, he gave me the heeby-jeebies.

Now I have a delightful dentist who loves Jesus and is sooo kind & understanding.  It really helps that he is compassionate...however he has drills and needles and other things that creep me out.

Today while wiping down my bathroom sink, my tongue happened to brush up against one of my molars.  And lo-and-behold, I discovered that I broke a tooth!  Now - I'm no dentist so maybe...just maybe it's not completely broken...but I will say this -- it sure feels a chunk of tooth is missing.  The good news (and this is the sliver of hope I am clinging to) is that it does not hurt. 

A quick text to my favorite hygienist informed me that usually if it doesn't hurt initially, it won't start hurting.  The bad news - I have to go see the dentist.  (Sigh.)

The even worse news...we've switched dental plans and work and my current/favorite dentist is not listed.  I will not be switching here's hoping that it's not as bad as my jump-to-the-worse-case-scenario brain already has done.

The single ray of hope - I'm not opposed to the use of laughing gas.  I know it's probably not the best thing...but SERIOUSLY -- when it comes to tooth issues, hook-me-up and let the laughter begin. 

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