Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Simply Fabulous Friday Night

After some plotting and planning, last night came together fabulously!!!  My best friend's husband treated us to manicures and pedicures for VD.  It was absolutely delightful!!!

First the plotting and planning...
We were supposedly meeting for coffee, thrifting, and plotting to take over the world.  I thought our plots and schemes for a complete world take over were just hypothetical.  Thursday night while chatting about our Saturday plans to meet Gloria, I was standing in Old Navy purchasing two pairs of silver sparkly flip-flops for our top secret Friday night outing. 

Have you ever had to convince someone that you should switch-up how you always do something in order to pull off a surprise???  It was not to be.  In trying to establish a meeting location close to the spa, nourishment (i.e. supper) was not to be had until after thrifting...thus my second approach, let's meet at coffee.  Coffee wins.  Coffee always wins.  :)

On a side note:  Sara and I have determined that after 3 p.m. all coffee establishments should serve decaf...and ONLY decaf.

We ordered our coffee and then I announced, we have one stop to make per Curt's instructions - thus the element of surprise.  Sara, then, said, "Sooo I take it we are not going to Twice as Nice" - too which I replied, "No.  I hope I'm not breaking your thrifty heart."  (I didn't, by the way...)

4:50 p.m. - we left said coffee establishment.  While sitting at the stoplight waiting for our turn, we both said (almost at the same time), "Did we order decaf???"...thus the 3 p.m. decaf law.  At this point, we chalk our coffee ordering error up to fate and determine to finish reading our books upon arriving home and in a highly caffeinated state.  (Sigh.)

5:00 - Enter spa.
5:05 to 5:15 - Select colors...  There were sooo many colors to choose from!!!!  Sweet Chocolate for my toes and a purply-pink for my fingernails.  Sara chose a more neutral color topped with sparkles. 
7:15 - Exit spa with the most beautiful toes and hands
7:20 - Applebee's for supper

If you don't have a best girlfriend who is...
better than a therapist,
commiserates with you,
loves you unconditionally,
orders the wrong coffee with you,
draws you closer to Jesus,
and listens...really listens...
if you don't have this, you are truly missing out on one of the God's greatest treasures.

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