Monday, February 4, 2013

I FINALLY figured it out!!!

After being told time and time again that VD (Valentine's Day) is not just for couples, I finally figured out why I haven't received gobs and gobs of VD gifts.  I've not provided my friends and family and co-workers with my VD wish list.  [Duh, Angie Good!] you have it...

1. Lemon Meringue Soy Candle (at the red bull's eye)
2. Fresh cut tulips
3. Coffee
4. Gray, white, and yellow bedding (from Kohl's)
5. Coordinating throw pillows for #4
6. A food processor

This is fun -- making a list of things I want/'s a Single Girl's I'm-Not-Getting-Married-or-Having-a-Baby Gift Registry!!!

Where was I?  Oh yes, number seven...

7. A gift certificate for a pedicure
8. New window boxes for the cottage's exterior
9. A large-ish wooden box to plant cone flowers
10. A red cake plate on a stand
11. A glass trifle dish
12. Small clear (glass or plastic) salt and pepper store glitter (Thanks Pinterest!)
13. A wooden - vintage-ish chair for my computer desk
14. A new 9x13" Pyrex glass baking dish
15. New matching kitchen towels - plain red, please.

Fifteen items.  Not too bad, if I do say so myself.  Email me if you need my mailing address.  :)

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