Sunday, February 10, 2013

I used to... the kind of girl that would buy flowery lotions from Bath and Body Works.  Now I save money and protect my epidermis & organs by using coconut oil. 

...think I had to go to the gym 5 or 6 days out of the week.  Hahahahahahaha.  I consider it a "GOOD" week if I hit the gym thrice.

...not go to bed until I had the dishes washed and in the drying rack.  Pish - posh...sleep is sweet.  Tonight I am leaving today's dishes in the sink. They are resting comfortably and so shall I. self-conscious when I wore my glasses.  Now I embrace my inner-geek.  Oh, and it should be noted, I heart geeks.

...hate leaving work with stuff in my TO DO box.  Now I skip out the door at circa 4:30 without a care in my pretty little head.  Not true - I usually have one small care...and it turns to a prayer.  Lord, please help me find my fabulous gym clothes in the pile o'stuck in my backseat.  Every week my gym bag ends up barfing all over the backseat of my car.  It's quite tragical.  I don't know how it happens -- but I know this, it happens EVERY week.

...say "yes" to everything because I thought that is what good single girls did.  And one day, I said, "No, thank you."  Those 3 words have so much power...because as much I would love to do everything, I am not Super Woman.  (Ummmm - nor do I ever aspire to be her.  Have you seen that crazy outfit she wears?  IN PUBLIC!!!!!!!  No thanks.  And seriously -- let's be modest.  Having super powers does not trump modesty!!!)

...think that I would eventually stop missing everyone that has moved away.  It's not sooooo...  I miss Alisa on Sunday nights when I am sitting in the pew at church by myself.  I miss Kari when I meander through the craft store.  I miss Gloria when I want to get a pedicure and realize I have to go by myself.  I miss Ginger when I drive by Meg's.  I miss Leah when I see a cute knitting project and wish she was here to share it with her.  I miss my friend Jenni when I walk by the pond at work and the turtles cannonball from the rocks. 

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