Thursday, February 14, 2013


Survived yet another VD.  I must blog about the day...otherwise I will be in need of a good therapist.

Sooooo do you remember the "Your lack of preparation does not constitute an emergency on my part" and how my co-worker did not give me the checklist items even after I specifically asked for them a week ago???  In my email correspondence to said co-worker, I clearly stated, "I will not type this checklist at the last minute."  WHAT DID I LEARN TODAY????  Some people think the last minute is literally the last minute before the deadline.  I get it now -- oh, do I ever!!!

9:03 a.m. (mind you the deadline is at 9:59 because I clearly need 60 seconds to sprint across the lobby -- I am in shape but I am NOT Wonder Woman!!!) - I am handed the hand-written 11x17 document which needs to be typed and formatted.  This list, it seems harmless, right?  I mean seriously -- I type approximately 100 words per minute.  One 11x17 document.  Well -- it's not as easy as it sounds for a couple of reasons...

A) When handed to me, the hander-offer says (quite nonchalantlyI might add), "Yeah, I didn't write out all the page numbers for each of the three contracts.  Just put down these page numbers because they are in the vicinity of where we should be looking."  Would you like to know what I heard???  "Ummmm - I was too lazy to take the time to do my job properly and since you have 57 minutes until I need three of these, I've done 1/3 of the work.  Here, you do the rest!!!"

Thankfully at this point, our leader inquired of the status of said checklists.  I happily said (with a smile, I might add - I think the smile was a nice Valentine's Day touch as I was wearing that hideous sweater!), "I was given the document" [glanced at my watch] "3 minutes ago.  Soo no, it's not done."  I calmly walked back to my cubicle and picked up the 11x17 piece of paper and brought to our leader.

B) The project in-charge person knew months (MONTHS!!!) ago that this project was going to be a complicated process.  There are rules and guidelines...yet because I am the kind of person that likes to do things RIGHT THE FIRST TIME...I think this person knew that I would pick up the slack.  I think this picking-up-the-slack is my tragic flaw.


Ok - so this hand-written list has approximately 20 items that we need to check.  (More on what I really know about these 20 items later.  You may feel free to insert evil laughter here if you so desire.)  Twenty items for 3 projects.  Each project will require the submitters to turn in about 25-30 pieces of paper. 

9:20 a.m. - Things digress and go from bad to Angie-is-now-in-tears-but-attempting-to-put-in-to-practice-the-first-two-verses-of-First-Corinthians-13...having faith to move mountains but no love...also the no love and you sound like clanging cymbals. (These are Angie-paraphrased!)

9:25 a.m. - Enter my favorite co-worker.  He sees me in tears.  He inquires what is wrong.  I tell him.  I show him the spreadsheets on my computer.  He tells me, "Everything is going to be fine.  And hey - it's only 9:25.  I had my money on you falling apart at 10 a.m.  You are ruining my chances.  Pull yourself together.  I didn't get Starbucks this morning because" (mocking me) "someone had to straighten her hair for VD."  At this point, I am cracking up...because he is doing a fine job in the mocking department...and he's not right.  Funny and not right and loves coffee ---- do you see why he's my favorite!!!! 

9:30 a.m. - The person who caused this nonsensical stress enters my cubicle.  When I say "enters my cubicle" - I mean she stood in my doorway and seemed hesitant to come inside.  "What's wrong?" she inquires. 

[At this point, I spin myself around in my chair and stare at her in disbelief.  I, then, ask myself, "What would Gloria do?"  I gather my courage because I know what Gloria would do.] 

I reply, "This is what I am upset about."  (Pointing to the checklist in front of me.)  "I should not be typing this right now.  I asked for this last week."  (Spin myself back around and finish the checklists.) 

We had another meeting at the copier where I informed this person, copies of these checklists will be going to our #1 and #2 and I refuse to give them copies with bogus page numbers.  It makes me look like a fool.  The more I thought about this -- I wouldn't have looked like the fool but I would've felt like one.  It's funny because she doesn't care one bit about cooking her own goose and while she's at -- let's throw Angie in the pot too.  Not today.  Not today at all.

I do have one shining moment...and if you follow my blog faithfully, you are going to be sooo amazed.  Be prepared to be amazed.

9:45ish - The creator of the nonsensical nonsense hangs up the phone with the muckity-mucks in Springfield and proudly enters my cubicle declaring, "I've just saved us a bunch of time and energy today.  I just got off the phone with _______ and they said we don't have to collect these 10 items at the opening today.  We just need the top 10 items."  I smiled sweetly and said, "Of course we don't need those 10 items today.  I've known that all along but I am not in charge and no one asked me.  You need to know these things for yourself.  It was not my job to inform you how to do your job" and then I spun my chair around and finished the checklists.

I learned today that when I specifically ask for something from this individual, I will be including a CC: to #1 and #2.  I will also set up calendar TASK REMINDERS with both #1 and #2 CC:-ed.  I thought blind-copying was enough...oh, quite contrare.  Today I learned....and hindsight just made this person more accountable to more than just the girl with curly hair.

The end.  :) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You need to print, laminate, and display at the entry of your cubicle the "emergency on my part" sign. --Sara

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