Rough. That pretty much sums up my week. I spent the first four-fifths of my week swimming a sea of snarkiness ~ tension so thick that I wanted to forward my calls and hide underneath my desk. And by "hide under my desk" - I hope you know that you would've found me rocking back-n-forth in the fetal position singing a variety of hymns and quoting Bible verses. Not even kidding. It wasn't good. There was nothing I could do to change it...but swimming in the sea of snarkiness is one dip that I don't want to take for quite some time.
My week ended with nervous laughter which is ironic since on Wednesday, the girls and I were discussing my nervous laughter. My one co-worker said, "Angela, your nervous laughter when you are on the verge of for-real tears is the laughter that scares me because you seem so sad but unable to voice how sad/stressed you really are." She's really right...and it happened today after she left for the day. Nervous laughter because a pile o'edits were passed off to yours truly around 2 p.m. A meeting (more on that in a sec) at 2:30 lasted for 50+ minutes and the edits were left for review and comment and final changing...and were given back to me at 4:10...but removed from my desk at 4:12 with an inquiry, "How early can you come in on Monday?" Ummmmmm.... My reply, "7:50." Yes, I said that outloud.
This delay {Read: LAST MINUTE-NESS} is not my doing. I repeat, it's not my doing.
The meeting...... You know those times when you aren't supposed to laugh and then someone says something funny like a random sound effect and because you are stressed-out, you start laughing. Please tell me this happens to you too!!! In the meeting, someone made a comment about the horsepower of a new motor that we are installing. The co-worker that has made me laugh since day 1 (and he never really tries to make me just when I ask him to change the toner in the big printer, he will growl and I just laugh!) does a motor-sounding noise with an arm gyration and I sat there laughing. Un-con-troll-ably. It wasn't good. When I finally got myself under control (and I use that term loosely), someone made a comment about the cost of something else and the same makes-me-laugh co-worker said in a monotone voice, "Ca-ching!" Again...laughter.
The brains behind the edits was equally as stressed and my heart went out to him.
My favorite edit of the afternoon was a marked-in blue ink edit with a huge red circle. I wasn't sure what the circle meant but the number inside the circle was wrong. I marched into the engineer's office and said, "I don't understand this. I think the date is messed-up. Do I have permission to change this? I mean, I've been changing grammatical stuff throughout...but this is a number." The engineer replied, "Originally it was blue...and then I remembered that you are a former teacher AND you love red...I knew you would read it and catch it. I circled it so you would work your magic." And this is why I love doing his edits. He knows me. I DO LOVE RED!!!! It's the teacher in me. Well, that and someone once said that I looked amazing in a red kinda stuck. Not to be vain, but I do love red.
So there you have it. I thought I would post a picture of one particular "special" page of edits so you will see why I think I am deserving of Meg's Daily Grind on Administrative Professional's Day!!! A mega-mocha, pretty please.

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