Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Football for girls

My favorite co-worker has devised a new plan for me to meet the man of my dreams.  The irony of me taking how-to-get-the-guy advice from him is that he carries a manbag which he constantly refers to as his "purse."  Not even kidding.  Today he expounded on how much his "purse" can hold.  It was like talking to my best girlfriend. 

His latest advise is "You need to watch Monday night football so you have things to talk about." 

"Ummmmm....ok?" I replied nervously.

The last time I actually watched an entire football game....hmmmmm...probably high school football.  And let's be honest, high school was a long time ago.  I have watched bits-and-pieces of football since, but an entire game???  Hmmmmmm...

I understand a smidge about football...but there's so much that I don't understand.  For example...{should I number these?}

1) What constitutes a field goal?

2) What are those little flags that get thrown?  What does one have to do to get a flag tossed?  What are the ramifications of said flag?

3) Does every touch-down afford the scoring team a field goal opportunity? 

I'm pretty sure there will be other football-ish inquiries, but these are the first three that popped into my brain.

I was thinking that I should order "The Idiot's Guide to Football" - but that's not really what I need.  What I need is "The Girl's Guide to Football."

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