Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Why won't Fun Angie talk to me?" asks the inquisitive Emma Kate

Okay -- my friend Sara and I like leaving each other somewhat random voicemail messages.  It's what we do.  It's who we are.  It all started when we were teaching together and we had a gazillion random thoughts to share with one another...since our teaching days, our voicemail messages have transformed into urgent prayer requests, goofy stories, confessions, and the list goes on and on...

Sooo on Friday, shortly after the children and her departed Rockford, I called their home phone and left two random voicemails.  Technically - it was only supposed to be one voicemail message but the first message cut me off mid-sentence (RUDE!) so I had to call back.

Sara listened to the messages Saturday morning.  I am told Emma Kate (soon-to-be-four!!!) was running around the kitchen listening to Fun Angie on the answering machine.  She was saying (rather loudly), "Hi Fun Angie!  What are you doing today?  Why won't Fun Angie talk to me?"  She gets very frustrated (I imagine the term "slightly perterbed" might be a more accurate description) with the concept of voicemail and really the fact that Fun Angie wouldn't answer her.  Poor kid.  She called me another time and sang a very moving rendition of "Oh, What A Beautiful Morning..." and at the end of that message, she said, "I love you, Fun Angie.  Why won't you talk to me?"  The poor kid has no idea about the concept of voicemail.  Voicemail is when you can be totally random and no one expects otherwise...  I mean's like an audible blog post.  This might scare you...I know.  I know that saying it outloud let's you know that perhaps I, Fun Angie, do put the Crrrrr in Crazy.  But it's okay!  If you've never had a voicemail from are missing out.  Do yourself a favor, call your best friend today and when you get sent to voicemail...spend the entire message telling them how absolutely wonderful they are and how much they mean to you.  It will brighten their day!  Promise!

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