Sunday, April 25, 2021

Wild berry kombucha EVERYWHERE and bird defecation patterns

Something woke me up at circa 2:15 a.m.  I have not been back to sleep since...

Do you ever not listen to that little voice in your head that says, "Don't do that..."  or maybe it's more of a "you should double-check the internet" and you don't...

A couple weeks ago I bottled kombucha flavored with wild berries (raspberries, blueberries and blackberries).  Said berries are not in season so they were a splurge but since it's in the name of my gut health, I totally justified the splurge.

I did not note the day the bottling occurred.

I left the berry mixture on the counter for a couple days. 

Add to the couple days a couple days...

When I went to put it in the fridge, I said to myself, "How MANY days has this sat out?  Four?  Five?  Six?  I wonder what will happen if it sat out too many....perhaps I should check the internet." 

I did not.

Today I went to open the most full kombucha and it erupted and sprayed ALL OVER MY KITCHEN WINDOW.  It got in my sweet pea starters.  It got in everything.

After cleaning up the mess, I decided to take the last 2 wild berry bottles to open them outside.

The force from the next bottle erupted and shot wild berry brew on my 86-year old neighbor's white siding.  Just a small area but the BANG from either the bottle opening or the fermented fruit impact was loud.  Praise to Jesus that my neighbor's 86 year old ears did not hear the impact.

While I was scrubbing the 6 inch area of fruit markings, my friend Nancy showed up and began asking how in the world a bird could vertically crap berries on Betty's siding.

Due to my lack of sleep, I stood outside laughing so hard that my face hurt. 

I cannot believe my afternoon erupted (pun intended) in kombucha, wild berries, and fowl pattern defecation questioning.

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