Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I don't think it's possible to give this randomness a proper title.

Church is cancelled for this evening.  A heavy snow is falling.  The roads aren't too bad...but as the temperatures drop, it has the potential for a major icy situation. 

Upon learning of the cancellation, I heated up some water and made a mug o'hot chocolate.  It's Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Hot Chocolate.  Completely safe for yours truly...and let's be honest -- it's a party in my mouth!!!  Dark chocolate is sooo good for you.  I'm a little nervous about drinking hot chocolate this late in the day, so I used an 8 ounce mug.

Eight ounce coffee mugs...what a joke!  That's like drinking a thimble-ful of water after running 5 miles.  In July.  Goodness.  Eight ounce coffee mugs should be banned.  I bet the Queen would agree.

A couple of interesting things have happened recently and I feel bad for not filling you in on the details of my fabulous, little life.

1. I signed-up for online dating.  I received a message that read, "Hi.  You're cute.  You're single?  What's wrong with you?" and then I pressed delete.  The second disturbing thing was getting a message from a guy who's status was "separated not divorced."  Pretty sure that means YOU ARE MARRIED!!!!  Needless to say, three days after signing-up, I UN-signed-up.  It was a beautiful moment deleting my profile.  It was just too much.  I'm not prepared for online dating.  It's not for me.  I want to meet a nice boy in person.

2. I nearly died the other morning.  Ok, let me say it again...a little louder.  I NEARLY DIED THE OTHER MORNING!!!!!  It was Monday morning actually.  I checked the WeatherBug website.  The current temperature was 45.  While backing my car down the driveway at a normal rate of speed, I hit a solid sheet of ice and slid, slid, slid the entirety of said driveway.  The whole time, I kept praying LOUDLY, "LORD, PLEASE DO NOT LET ANYONE BE TRAVELING DOWN HALSTED!!!  PLEASE DO NOT LET ME DIE TODAY!"  My heart was racing by the time I reached the bottom of the driveway.  Praise the Lord -- no traffic.  You see, even though my road has a 30 mile per hour speed limit, people rarely obey it.  I've been guilty of not obeying it - especially at night.  There's a portion of my road that I refer to as "the 'hood."  It's not the kind of place a nice girl like yours truly wants to be moseying along going 30 miles per hour. 

3. Today I forgot my hat and mittens at the cottage.  I knew it was going to snow and be bad by the time I left work...yet, I skipped out the door happy as a lark.  A mittenless and hatless lark.  This whole warm weather vs. cold weather is messing with the barometric pressure.  My co-worker blames this pressure for my space cadet-ish ways.  For example, yesterday I totally blamed my two co-workers for swiping my labels off the printer...ummmm...when in actuality, I was the one who had removed said labels and put them in the back copy area.  (Sigh.)  I also forgot my snow scraper today.  I honestly thought the thing was in the back of Rosie.  When I opened the trunk and begun my frantic search, I was sadly disappointed to realize, I was indeed scraper-less.  Thankfully my co-worker Wayne-ster was still around.  He scraped my car and lectured me on the importance of winter gear.  I believe he began his lecture with, "Did you wake-up late?  Bump your head?"  No.  Neither.  Thanks for keeping it real, Wayne!

4. Why am I numbering these?

Have I mentioned to you how much I love hot chocolate???  (Sigh.)

It's strange not having Bible study tonight.  It's going to make tomorrow NOT feel like Thursday.  Well, it might feel like Thursday.  My favorite co-worker promised to treat us to Starbucks.  Oh - that's another funny moment in the life of the girl with curly hair.

A couple Thursdays ago, I was standing in line at Starbucks waiting for my latte with honey when this really nice guy walked up to me and started chatting.  Basically the Starbuck's employees were teasing him about his snobbish coffee drink.  He asked why they weren't giving me any grief?  I can't remember my reply...mostly because I wasn't expecting a really nice guy to talk to me.  While he was ordering (before the teasing), I did hear my favorite Barista say, "Hey Chuck!"  So I did learn his name was Chuck.  Well, since that Thursday - my favorite co-worker has been harassing me about how we need to make Thursday "Starbuck's Thursdays."  He's even went so far as to say that he will treat.  He said, "Angie, you can't put a price on love."  Too which I replied, "Ummmm...yes, you actually can.  It's $3.60 a latte."  :)  Soooo tomorrow, weather-permitting, I will be venturing across town to pick up our beloved coffee and maybe run in to my coffeeshop pseudo-boyfriend. 

Yesterday I saw the cutest outfit at Target.  Navy dress with tiny flowers, denim jacket, leggings, brown boots, and brown tortoise-framed glasses.  This weekend I am going to Roscoe to a consignment shop called MeMe's.  I've never been but promised my friend Sara that I would scope it out and see if it should be added to our Spring Rockford Day O'Thrifting!!!!  Which reminds me, we need to schedule that soon!!!!  Of course, realistically...we have some time.  It's still January.  Hahahahahahahahahaha (my delusional winter laugh)!!!  It's January for one more day!!!!  Yeah!  And then February....the blessed month in which one day the temperature will rise about 60 degrees and you will find your truly at a nail salon of her choice enjoying a pedicure.  Not just a cheap quick pedicure...but the one with the salt scrub.  Spring....I miss you!!!!  Ok - now that that is out of my system.  I really don't mind winter.  I mean it. I'm wearing a hoodie, flannel jammie pants, and cozy socks while I blog.  Oh and let's not forget the HOT CHOCOLATE!!!!!

At MeMe's, I am hoping to find the makings of fabulous Target-ish outfit like I saw last night.  I have the glasses.  Check mark that off the list.  I do not have brown cowboy boots.  I've never owned a pair of cowboy/cowgirl boots.  I grew up in the Village...not on a ranch!

I want to knit a cute cowl scarf.  I found the picture online.  I believe it knits two strands at once.  The pattern said "Intermediate."  Am I an intermediate knitter?  Hmmmmmm......I'm not sure but I am willing to give it a whirl.

I think I will sign-up for my sewing class tonight since it's on my list o'things to do.  It starts the middle/end of February and lasts for 10 weeks - technically 11 weeks because we get a Tuesday off for "Spring Break"!!! 

Happy Eve of the last day of January!!!  I think we should totally celebrate...more hot chocolate, anyone?

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