Thursday, January 17, 2013

More mouse tales...

I am happy to report:
Two days in a row
of no live mouse sightings. 

I would hope that I would never do anything that would get me in serious trouble with the law.  I'm a sensible, law-abiding citizen (except for the other morning on the Bypass when I had fiddle-farted-around at the cottage and was running a smidge late).  I can't imagine doing something so bad that I would have to run from the law. 

Now, before I go any farther with this post, you need to know that I don't watch a lot of action movies.  They aren't my cup of tea.  I'm a sappy chick flick sort-of gal. 

We have a PA system at work.  No one ever uses it.  I, personally, think it would be hysterical to page someone using a Darth Vadar voice.  And one time, I read in an office dare calendar that you should page yourself and not even disguise your voice. 

The past two days, I have been on constant mouse-guard.  Those little beady-eyed, creepy critters give me the willies!!!  They dart out from under things and they can make their bodies squish down to fit under the doorway.  Ewwwwwwwww!!!! 

Because I am on constant mouse-guard, today I thought I would be cool if the Mission Impossible theme played over the PA system.  We could all move sinister-like...darting from our cubicles to the nearest wall and then look both ways.  Oh, we would totally have to hold "air guns" and pretend like our mission was the most critical mission known-to-man.

Yes, this went through my pretty little head. 

Sooo I have a mousekateer story...
This story takes place in the afternoon...which for me is the time of day when I tend to laugh easily.  I'm not sure if it's because I am relaxed after lunch...or what.  At any rate, I laugh after lunch.  Normally from 2 to 3. 

Circa 2 p.m. - I meandered over to drop some stuff in inter-office mail.  Out of the corner of my eye, I notice someone in the hallway.  I turn (yes, I am hearing the Mission Impossible theme as I type this!) and's the mouse dude.  He looks albeit happy.  This is causes a red flag to gloriously wave.  Do you remember Monday's post about how he was flailing and carrying on like a girl?  His smile made me want to get to the bottom of his merriment.  Perhaps, I remember thinking to myself, he got praised for setting the mouse traps correctly!  A little encouragement goes along way...even for a college kid...who is trapping, ummmm, not-trapping mice. 

I dropped off said inter-office stuff and made a bee-line back to my cubicle. 

Upon entering the department through the side door (Mission Impossible playing), I hear a "swish-swish-swish" noise of a broom.  I glance in the direction of the swishing and see the mousekateer sweeping up who-knows-what.

Several minutes later, with the dustpan in hand, the mouse dude picks the least pleasant among us to inquire if he may place the deceased mice in her trashcan.  At this point, I am standing in my cubicle entryway with my jaw dropped.  A) He met the least pleasant on Monday; B) He's gotten lectured by the least pleasant atleast thrice that I know of.  Thrice this week; C) Did I mention she gives vibes that she's the least pleasant?  Needless to say, I knew a show was about the unfold and I wanted a front row seat.

I've mentioned before - I don't get out much. Plus I appreciate the least pleasant's sense of humor.  Dry, her sense of humor is very dry. 

Mouse dude:  "Do you mind if I put this in your trash?"  (The this is the dust pan with mouse poop and three mouse carcasses.)

Least pleasant:  "Do I mind?"

M.D. - he just stands there waiting as if he has no clue that her question is rhetorical and the answer is actually a BIG FAT NO! 

L.P.:  "Dead mice?  Do I want dead mice in my trash?"

M.D.:  "Well, I could put them in another trash can.  Where is there another trash can?"

L.P. a little louder:  "Do you think we really want dead mice in our trash?  You will take that whole thing and remove it!  Take it out back!"  She ranted for another 2 to 3 minutes.

Mouse dude exited stage left.  He didn't seem to mind leaving the least pleasant upset and irritated.

The new guy, who does happen to be quite funny, peered over his cubicle wall (he's tall and has a mop of curly hair) and said to L.P., "Oh, come on.  You could have the mouse kid over for supper and play Mouse Trap.  It would be fun.  You could show him how to set a real trap and catch mice."

At this point, I just cracked-up laughing and went back to typing the WHEREFROMs and the THEREFOREs of my legal document...all the while, randomly popping-back-in to the Mouse Trap conversation happening one cubicle away.

On a sad note - the mouse dude informed us that today was his last day.  His college classes start on Monday.  I hope the poor kid signed-up for Common Sense 101.

I wonder who mouse dude's replacement will be...

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