Thursday, February 7, 2013

Google Earth and other randomness

Today I showed a co-worker the magic of Google Earth.  I, then, meandered in to my favorite co-worker's office and said, "Guess what I just showed ___________ how to use?"  He himmed-and-hawed around and I finally said (excitedly), "GOOGLE EARTH!"...too which he replied sarcastically, "That's great.  Just great.  Another stalker is born."

A)  I am soo not a stalker;
B)  I always laugh when he calls me a stalker.
C)  He knows I have a heart of gold therefore not allowing me to be a stalker.

Soo this favorite co-worker of mine always teases me about my coffeeshop boyfriend, Chuck.  It's funny because on Pinterest, I saw this funny sign... totally reminded me of the teasing about my coffeeshop boyfriend.  Although my coffeeshop boyfriend is not "hot" as in drop-dead-gorgeous.  He has a nice smile and he laughed when he ordered his coffee.  I find both of those qualities extremely adorable.

Next week is going to be insanely busy at my place of employment.  IN-SANE-LEEEEEEEE busy.  I've already spent some time working ahead on templates so as to help the week not be quite as crazy as it would be had I spent the time knitting or daydreaming or staring at the cubicle wall.  Today I spaced out for 3 minutes.  It was kind of nice to go on a mini-mental vacation.  Not productive, but nice.

Tomorrow is Friday.  I've convinced my favorite co-worker that in the name of love (because he said - AND I QUOTE - "Angie, there's no price we can put on you finding your true love"), he should treat us to Starbucks tomorrow morning.  CONFESSION:  I took one look out the window at my ice-covered driveway and decided Starbucks Thursday was going to get moved to Starbucks Friday.  It worked out fine because our BUNN coffeemaker did a fabulous job caffeinating us today.  Which --- CONFESSION #2:  I DRANK COFFEE AT WORK!!!!  Since the first of the year, I've been cutting back my coffee consumption.  I drink a cup at the cottage and then a mug of green tea at work.  I heart antioxidants.  I really do. I made an exception and drank 1.5 mugs at work.  Around 10:30, I said to myself (in my overly caffeinated state), "Wow --- there's a lot of caffeine surging through my veins!!!  I can't go down this road again...lest I start skipping from office to office.  I will probably get written-up for doing that!"  Yep - proof why I shouldn't drink more than one mug of coffee.  Also, in January, I read that caffeine can stay in your system for up to 12 hours. 

Oh - and I never intended to cut back on my coffee sort of just happened.  One day I noticed that I wasn't drinking the work coffee.

Back to tomorrow...tomorrow is Friday.  Casual Friday.  Or phonetically Kazzzzzzzzzz-you-all Friday.  I love Fridays.  Jeans, flats, a sweater, and a flower headband.  (Sigh.)  It's grand being a girl.

Saturday -- not a single thing on my calendar and I could not be happier.  "Could not be happier" -- hmmm...if I was sitting on a beach reading Jane Austen -- yeah, that might make me happier.  Having coffee with my bestie -- yep, happier.  Salads with Kari at Mary's Market -- happ-eeeeee-rrrrr.  Pedicure - :) + er.  Someone to come and clean the cottage for me...bliss. 

For all the nothingness that I have planned on Saturday...I am thrilled.  I know it might sound strange, but really -- I love do-nothing-sort-of-Saturdays.

Happy Thursday - almost - Friday!!!

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